
Simplace components simulate distinct agricultural processes and interactions. This guide categorizes these components into two major sections for an in-depth understanding of their specific functions and applications.

Crop Physiology and Management

This section covers components related to crop growth, physiology, and agricultural management practices, offering tools for simulating various crop development aspects.

  1. 🌾 Crop Growth and Development Components:
  2. 🌍 SimpleTranspirationReductionFactor: Calculates the transpiration reduction factor.
  3. 🌦️ VernalisationAndPhotoresponse: Manages vernalisation and photoresponse.
  4. 💧 Co2InfluenceOnLUE: Assesses CO2’s influence on Light Use Efficiency.
  5. 🚜 Co2InfluenceOnTranspiration: Examines the impact of CO2 on crop transpiration.
  6. 🌾 Fertilizer: Calculates major nutrients for crops.
  7. 🌍 SimpleIrrigation: Implements irrigation using table values.

Environmental Interactions and Soil Dynamics

This section encompasses components focusing on interactions between crops and their environment, as well as those delving into soil properties and water dynamics.

  1. 🌾 Environmental Interaction Components:
  2. 🌍 ReferenceETPriestleyTaylor: Calculates reference evapotranspiration.
  3. 🌦️ Soil and Water Dynamics Components:
  4. 💧 HillFlow1D: Simulates soil water balance.
  5. 🚜 ErosionFreebairn: Models soil erosion scenarios.
  6. 🌾 FarmFinance: Assesses financial aspects of farming.
  7. 🌍 Gecros: Simulates crop biomass and photosynthesis.
  8. 🌦️ LintulBiomass: Models crop biomass production.
  9. 💧 Utilities and Miscellaneous:
  10. 🚜 ArrayResampler: Adjusts array values between resolutions.
  11. 🌾 SimpleCounter: A resettable counter for simulation days.
  12. 🌍 InterpolatedValueFromTable: Interpolates values from x and y table values.