
Here we describe the codes of CPlantBox implementation as well as the instruction to install it along with its inputs and outputs from developer’s perspective

Structural Module

The structural module contains code that simulates plant growth and morphology within the CPlantBox framework. It defines the characteristics and behavior of various plant organs like roots, stems, leaves, and seeds. Additionally, it handles tropism responses, enabling plants to adjust their growth direction in response to environmental cues. In essence, this module forms the basis for realistic plant growth simulations.

Leaf.cppManages leaf growth and development, covering creation, parameter computation, and visualization. Includes geometric properties and connectivity.Leaf identification, parameters, growth factors, geometry, tropism, connectivity.Input: Growth parameters, environment. Output: Leaf properties.
MappedOrganism.cppHandles plant structural management, including 3D soil grid mapping. Oversees initialization and simulation of root and shoot systems.Nodes, segments, radii, organ types, soil index, plant parameters, exchange zones.Input: Plant structure, soil parameters. Output: Plant structure, growth data.
Organ.cppServes as a base class for plant organs (seeds, roots, stems, leaves), handling their development, geometry, and tree structure.Nodes, segments, organ tree, parameters, type, age, status.Input: Development parameters, time. Output: Organ structure, growth, geometry.
Organism.cppProvides simulation interface and manages OrganRandomParameters. Supports RSML and handles global node and organ index counters.Organ parameters, node/segment geometry, indices, RNG.Input: Simulation parameters. Output: Organism development, geometry, RSML.
Plant.cppControls plant model simulation, managing tropisms, growth functions, and post-processing. Sets up simulation callbacks for tropisms and growth.Tropisms, growth functions, soil lookup, parameters, state, callbacks.Input: Initialization, growth parameters. Output: Growth, utilities.
Root.cppDescribes root growth, managing the creation of lateral roots and root-specific parameters. Provides capabilities for time-span growth simulation.Root parameters, types, state, node creation, tropism.Input: Growth parameters, environment. Output: Root growth, new nodes/roots.
RootDelay.cppFocuses on delayed lateral root growth, inheriting from Root class. Implements delay-based lateral root emergence.Root delay parameters, lateral root creation, root structure.Input: Growth parameters with delay. Output: Delayed root growth, structure.
RootSystem.cppManages the entire root system, including base roots and parameters. Inherits from Organism class, integrating various root dynamics.Root parameters, tropisms, growth functions, state, tools.Input: Configuration, simulation parameters. Output: Root system growth, analysis.
Seed.cppDefines the Seed class, representing the plant’s seed and managing the development of various organs. Integrates with plant organism structure.Seed development, organ management, integration with plant.Input: Plant configuration, organ parameters. Output: Organ initialization.
Stem.cppHandles stem growth and development, including lateral stem emergence and parameter computation. Supports various growth scenarios.Growth simulation, lateral management, parameter computation, growth modes.Input: Parameters, growth data. Output: Stem growth, data, parameters.
organparameter.cppCentral to configuring organ types in plants. Manages organ-specific and randomized parameters for simulation variability.Organ type setup, parameter handling, random parameter management.Input: Organism data, configuration. Output: Organ parameters, characteristics.
rootparameter.cppDefines root-specific parameters and functionalities, handling configurations for growth dynamics and tropism.Root type setup, growth dynamics, tropism, distance management.Input: Root data, growth configuration. Output: Root parameters, characteristics.
seedparameter.cppHandles seed-specific parameters, crucial for modeling early plant development and root system initiation.Seed positioning, root emergence, crown configuration, tiller parameters.Input: Seed data, configuration. Output: Seed parameters, development.
stemparameter.cppManages stem-specific parameters, key to modeling stem growth, branching, and structural characteristics.Growth dynamics, branching, tropism, lifespan, nodal functions.Input: Stem data, growth parameters. Output: Stem parameters, characteristics.
tropism.cppDefines tropism behaviors, implementing mechanisms like gravitropism and hydrotropism, crucial for realistic plant growth simulation.Various tropisms, environmental response mechanisms.Input: Environmental stimuli, growth parameters. Output: Growth direction, tropism responses.

Functional Module

The Functional Module in CPlantBox includes Python and C++ scripts for plant-soil-water interactions, featuring models like the Van Genuchten model for soil water retention. It offers tools for soil parameter tables, root conductivities, and more.

Photosynthesis.cppSimulates plant photosynthesis, covering water flux, carbon assimilation, and environmental interactions.MappedPlant object, xylem water potential, intracellular CO2, atmospheric humidity, temperature, soil matric potentials, soil conductivities, error tracking.Input: Environmental conditions, plant structure. Output: Water potential, gas exchange rates, photosynthetic properties.
Perirhizal.cppCalculates root segment radii based on volume, surface, or length.Volume type, cell volumes, segment lengths, cell/segment IDs, radii.Input: Volume type, cell volumes. Output: Outer radii for root segments.
CellVariablemod.pyExtends FiPy library for plant physiological simulations, handling water and nutrient transport.Custom CellVariablemod, FaceVariablemod, _AddOverFacesVariablemod, _FaceGradVariablemod, _ArithmeticCellToFaceVariablemod, mesh attributes, orientations, area/volume calculations.Input: Plant tissue structure. Output: Transport and flow properties in plant tissues.
ExudationModel.hModels root exudation, considering root growth dynamics and soil properties.Q, Dl, theta, R, k, l, grid, type, n0, thresh13, calc13, observationRadius, root system data.Input: Root system, simulation time, parameters. Output: Exudate distribution in soil.
HydraulicsDoussan.pyImplements Doussan’s root hydraulic model for water movement in roots.Root system (rs), soil matrices, kr_f, kx_f, simulation time, root xylem potentials (rx), axial and transpirational flux.Input: Root structure, environment. Output: Conductivity, axial fluxes, xylem potentials.
Leuning.pyImplements the Leuning model for water movement and photosynthesis in plants.Qlight, VPD, Tl, soil matric potentials, xylem conductivities, root xylem potentials, CO2 concentration, stomatal conductance.Input: Plant data, environment. Output: Xylem potentials, stomatal conductance, assimilation rates.
van_genuchten.pyImplements the Mualem - van Genuchten model for soil water.Pressure head, hydraulic conductivity methods, theta_R, theta_S, alpha, n, Ksat.Input: Soil water content, parameters. Output: Pressure head, water content, saturation, conductivity.
root_conductivities.pyProvides functions for root conductivities in growth simulations.Initialization of constant and age-dependent conductivity values.Used in root hydraulic properties setup.
phloem_flux.pySimulates phloem flux and related processes.Segment ages, node indices, organ types, hydraulic properties.Input: Root system data, model parameters. Output: Phloem flux results.
Mesh1Dmod.pyEnhances FiPy’s Mesh1D for 3D root system modeling in plants.Radii, length, vertex coordinates, face normals, methods for cell volumes, face areas, geometric aspects.Input: Root system data. Output: Adapted mesh properties.
Perirhizal.pyAnalyzes perirhizal zones in root systems.Soil volume cells, bounding box dimensions, zone densities, segment parameters, outer radii calculations, 3D Voronoi diagrams.Input: Root segment data. Output: Perirhizal zone analysis.
XylemFlux.cppC++ module for xylem and soil flux simulation.Linear system assembly, segment/soil flux computation, conductivity settings.Used in water flow simulation within plant xylem.
bresenham3D.pyImplements 3D Bresenham’s algorithm for line generation.Line drawing function, sphere function for 3D structures.Input: Line coordinates. Output: 3D line points.
xylem_flux.pyModels water movement in plant xylems.Root system, hydraulic properties, node/segment info, flux values, soil characteristics, computational matrices.Input: RSML root structure files. Output: Xylem pressures, flux values.
StomataModel.pyHybrid solver for stomatal conductance and xylem water movement.PAR, VPD, temperatures, soil matric potentials, root xylem pressure.Input: Root data, environmental factors. Output: Stomatal conductance, xylem pressure.