soilco2 plant input 2 version number CO2_fluxes respiration maint_growth (output files) waterstress rootExudation rootDeath harvestresidues farquhar f f f t f f t f T daily timestep (T = daily, F = hourly) 2014 08 01 start date of the simulation ( yyyy mm dd ) 5 no of plant types 2 unit in SOILCO2 1=mm 2=cm 3=dm 4=m 5=km 1 interception 1=Bormann, 2=Hoyningen-Huene 53.22245 latitude of the site (LATITUDE) # plant type 1 ************************************************** 1 Whinter Wheat 3 6 11 11 10 7 8 0 8 4 2 11 3 4 4 3 2 number of rows in the 17 tables 1 no of dates for planting/emergence and harvests 50 no of parameters 3 Kc calculation 1=dvs 2=time 3=computed from LAI (AKCTYPE) 140 209 tstart, tend for senescence (day of year, i.e. Julian Date) -100 -1000 -120000 -120000 -158490 p0, p1, p2h, p2l, p3 (mm) 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CERES: temperatures (C) (first number: flag for 1=new or 0=old Model) 0 0.0 0.0 CERES: photoperiod: Popt, Pcrit (h), omega (h(-1)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 CERES: maximum development rate (h(-1)) (RMAX) -10.0 + max depth above there is no root water uptake (mm) (RNA_MAX) -1480 + max rooting depth (mm) (ROOT_MAX) -35.0 + initial rooting depth (mm) (ROOT_INIT) 0.43 + exudation factor (EXU_FACT) 0.43 + max factor used for deathfac (DEATHFACMAX) 260 + number of seedlings per m2 (NSL) 0.005 + relative growth rate during exponential leaf area growth (ha/ha/C/d) (RGR) 1.1 + base temperature for juvenile leaf area growth (C) (TEMPBASE) 0.00098 + specific leaf area of new leaves (ha leaf/kg DM) (SLA) -1.00e-03 + change of specific leaf area per unit thermal time (ha leaf/kg DM/C/d) (RSLA) 75 + potential CO2-assimilation rate of a unit leaf area for light saturation (kg CO2/ha leaf/h) (AMX) 0.50 + initial light use efficiency ((kg CO2/ha leaf/h)/(J/m2/s)) (EFF) (is changed from ha to L2 in plants.f90) 0.75 + extinction coefficient for diffuse PAR flux (RKDF) 0.2 + scattering coefficient of leaves for PAR (SCP) 0.01 + maintenance demand rate for storage organs per unit dry matter (kg CH2O/kg DM/d) (RMAINSO) 1.41 + conversion efficiency coefficient (assimilation requirement of DM for storage organs) (kg CH2O/kg DM) (ASRQSO) 436 + start temperature for plant growth (C*day) (crop 1: temp_sum from emergence till 31.Dec + tempstart for spring growth) (TEMPSTART) 0.62 + dead LAI debris factor (DEBR_FAC) 0.75 + LAI as switch from temperature to radiation-limited LAI expansion (ha/ha) (LS) 3.5 + critical LAI for leaf death due to self shading (ha/ha) (RLAICR) 0 + initial value of the ear area index (2sided) (crop 1-3,5) (EAI) 0.0 + initial value of the maturity class (crop 4) (RMATR) 0.0003 + leaf area of one seedling (m2 leaf/seedling) (SSL) 0.075 + specific root weight (m/g) (SRW) 0.0 + dead leaf area for outside the season (ha/ha) (SLAID_OFF) # emergence und harvest date(s) 2014 09 24 2015 07 23 # (Tab.1) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # Temperature sum against reduction factor of the maximal light assimilation rate 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.4 # (Tab.2) [for all crops] # Effective temperature against reduction factor of the maximal light assimilation rate 0.0 0.05 4.0 0.3 10.0 0.6 15.0 0.8 20.0 1.0 30.0 0.01 # (Tab.3) [for crop 1 2 3] # Effective temperature against reduction factor of the development rate, if DVS < 1 -10 0.0000 0 0.0000 2 0.0021 5 0.0032 10 0.0064 15 0.0167 20 0.0224 25 0.0279 30 0.0335 35 0.0391 40 0.0447 # (Tab.4) [for crop 1 2 3] # Effective temperature against reduction factor of the development rate, if DVS > 1 -10 0.0000 0 0.0000 2 0.0037 5 0.0083 10 0.0165 15 0.0157 20 0.0209 25 0.0262 30 0.0314 35 0.0367 40 0.0418 # (Tab.5) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # DVS against fraction of dry matter allocated to the shoot 0.0 0.33 0.1 0.33 0.2 0.42 0.35 0.60 0.4 0.67 0.5 0.78 0.7 0.85 0.9 0.92 1.2 1.0 2.0 1.0 # (Tab.6) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # Temperature sum against fraction of dry matter allocated to the leaves 0 0.7 0.1 0.7 0.25 0.75 0.5 0.65 0.7 0.175 0.95 0 2 0 # (Tab.7) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # Temperature sum against fraction of dry matter allocated to the stem 0 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.3 0.7 0.4 0.95 0.275 1.05 0 2 0 # (Tab.8) # [for crop 3] Temperature sum against fraction of dry matter allocated to the cob (FCOBT) # [for crop 5] fraction of dry matter allocated to the root (FRT) # (Tab.9) # [for crop 1] DVS against death rate of leaves reduction function # [for crop 3] Specific LAI as a function of development stage 0.0 0.0 0.59 0.0 0.6 0.085 0.89 0.085 0.9 0.4 1.09 0.5 1.1 1.0 2.0 1.0 # (Tab.10) # [for crop 1 and 2] Effective temperature against death rate of the leaves # [for crop 5] Temperature sum against relative death rate of leaves 0.0 0.04 10.0 0.02 15.0 0.03 30.0 0.08 # (Tab. 11) # [for all crops] # DVS or time (day of year, i.e. Julian Date) against akc 1 0.95 2 5.00 # (Tab.12) [for all crops] # Relative root depth against root density 0.0 0.4568 0.1 0.2477 0.2 0.1343 0.3 0.0728 0.4 0.0395 0.5 0.0214 0.6 0.0116 0.7 0.0063 0.8 0.0034 0.9 0.0019 1.0 0.0010 # (Tab.13) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content leaves XNCLE [kg N kg DM-1] Fei et al., 2020 0.0 0.01 1.7 0.011 2.0 0.011 # (Tab.14) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content stems XNCST [kg N kg DM-1] estimated 0.0 0.004 1.0 0.004 1.5 0.004 2.0 0.004 # (Tab.15) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content roots XNCRT [kg N kg DM-1] Miyazawa et al., 2004 0.0 0.02 1.0 0.02 1.5 0.01 2.0 0.0025 # (Tab.16) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content storage organs XNCSO [kg N kg DM-1] 0.0 0.006 1.8 0.0228 2.0 0.0228 # (Tab.17) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content crowns XNCCRN [kg N kg DM-1] 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 # plant type 1 ************************************************** 1 Whinter Wheat 3 6 11 11 10 7 8 0 8 4 2 11 4 4 4 4 2 number of rows in the 17 tables 1 no of dates for planting/emergence and harvests 50 no of parameters 3 Kc calculation 1=dvs 2=time, 3=computed from LAIg (AKCTYPE) 140 209 tstart, tend for senescence (day of year, i.e. Julian Date) -100 -1000 -120000 -120000 -158490 p0, p1, p2h, p2l, p3 (mm) 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CERES: temperatures (C) (first number: flag for 1=new or 0=old Model) 0 0.0 0.0 CERES: photoperiod: Popt, Pcrit (h), omega (h(-1)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 CERES: maximum development rate (h(-1)) (RMAX) -10.0 + max depth above there is no root water uptake (mm) (RNA_MAX) -1480 + max rooting depth (mm) (ROOT_MAX) -35.0 + initial rooting depth (mm) (ROOT_INIT) 0.43 + exudation factor (EXU_FACT) 0.43 + max factor used for deathfac (DEATHFACMAX) 260 + number of seedlings per m2 (NSL) 0.005 + relative growth rate during exponential leaf area growth (ha/ha/C/d) (RGR) 1.3 + base temperature for juvenile leaf area growth (C) (TEMPBASE) 0.0016 + specific leaf area of new leaves (ha leaf/kg DM) (SLA) -1.00e-03 + change of specific leaf area per unit thermal time (ha leaf/kg DM/C/d) (RSLA) 65 + potential CO2-assimilation rate of a unit leaf area for light saturation (kg CO2/ha leaf/h) (AMX) 0.50 + initial light use efficiency ((kg CO2/ha leaf/h)/(J/m2/s)) (EFF) (is changed from ha to L2 in plants.f90) 0.78 + extinction coefficient for diffuse PAR flux (RKDF) 0.2 + scattering coefficient of leaves for PAR (SCP) 0.01 + maintenance demand rate for storage organs per unit dry matter (kg CH2O/kg DM/d) (RMAINSO) 1.41 + conversion efficiency coefficient (assimilation requirement of DM for storage organs) (kg CH2O/kg DM) (ASRQSO) 436 + start temperature for plant growth (C*day) (crop 1: temp_sum from emergence till 31.Dec + tempstart for spring growth) (TEMPSTART) 0.62 + dead LAI debris factor (DEBR_FAC) 0.75 + LAI as switch from temperature to radiation-limited LAI expansion (ha/ha) (LS) 4.0 + critical LAI for leaf death due to self shading (ha/ha) (RLAICR) 0 + initial value of the ear area index (2sided) (crop 1-3,5) (EAI) 0.0 + initial value of the maturity class (crop 4) (RMATR) 0.0003 + leaf area of one seedling (m2 leaf/seedling) (SSL) 0.075 + specific root weight (m/g) (SRW) 0.0 + dead leaf area for outside the season (ha/ha) (SLAID_OFF) # emergence und harvest date(s) 2015 10 09 2016 07 27 # (Tab.1) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # Temperature sum against reduction factor of the maximal light assimilation rate 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.4 # (Tab.2) [for all crops] # Effective temperature against reduction factor of the maximal light assimilation rate 0.0 0.05 4.0 0.3 10.0 0.6 15.0 0.8 20.0 1.0 30.0 0.01 # (Tab.3) [for crop 1 2 3] # Effective temperature against reduction factor of the development rate, if DVS < 1 -10 0.0000 0 0.0000 2 0.0021 5 0.0032 10 0.0064 15 0.0167 20 0.0224 25 0.0279 30 0.0335 35 0.0391 40 0.0447 # (Tab.4) [for crop 1 2 3] # Effective temperature against reduction factor of the development rate, if DVS > 1 -10 0.0000 0 0.0000 2 0.0037 5 0.0083 10 0.0165 15 0.0157 20 0.0209 25 0.0262 30 0.0314 35 0.0367 40 0.0418 # (Tab.5) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # DVS against fraction of dry matter allocated to the shoot 0.0 0.33 0.1 0.33 0.2 0.42 0.35 0.60 0.4 0.67 0.5 0.78 0.7 0.85 0.9 0.92 1.2 1.0 2.0 1.0 # (Tab.6) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # Temperature sum against fraction of dry matter allocated to the leaves 0 0.52113 0.1 0.52113 0.25 0.651485 0.5 0.39092 0.7 0.065105 0.95 0 2 0 # (Tab.7) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # Temperature sum against fraction of dry matter allocated to the stem 0 0.21 0.1 0.21 0.25 0.15 0.5 0.41 0.7 0.75 0.95 1.0 1.05 0 2 0 # (Tab.8) # [for crop 3] Temperature sum against fraction of dry matter allocated to the cob (FCOBT) # [for crop 5] fraction of dry matter allocated to the root (FRT) # (Tab.9) # [for crop 1] DVS against death rate of leaves reduction function # [for crop 3] Specific LAI as a function of development stage 0.0 0.0 0.59 0.0 0.6 0.085 0.89 0.085 0.9 0.4 1.09 0.5 1.1 1.0 2.0 1.0 # (Tab.10) # [for crop 1 and 2] Effective temperature against death rate of the leaves # [for crop 5] Temperature sum against relative death rate of leaves 0.0 0.04 10.0 0.02 15.0 0.03 30.0 0.08 # (Tab. 11) # [for all crops] # DVS or time (day of year, i.e. Julian Date) against akc 1 0.95 50 5.00 # (Tab.12) [for all crops] # Relative root depth against root density 0.0 0.4568 0.1 0.2477 0.2 0.1343 0.3 0.0728 0.4 0.0395 0.5 0.0214 0.6 0.0116 0.7 0.0063 0.8 0.0034 0.9 0.0019 1.0 0.0010 # (Tab.13) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content leaves XNCLE [kg N kg DM-1] Fei et al., 2020 0.0 0.01 1.7 0.011 1.8 0.011 2.0 0.011 # (Tab.14) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content stems XNCST [kg N kg DM-1] estimated 0.0 0.004 1.0 0.004 1.5 0.004 2.0 0.004 # (Tab.15) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content roots XNCRT [kg N kg DM-1] Miyazawa et al., 2004 0.0 0.02 1.0 0.02 1.5 0.01 2.0 0.0025 # (Tab.16) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content storage organs XNCSO [kg N kg DM-1] 0.0 0.004 1.7 0.0172 1.8 0.0172 2.0 0.0172 # (Tab.17) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content crowns XNCCRN [kg N kg DM-1] 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 # plant type 12 ************************************************** 12 Barley 3 6 11 11 5 7 8 0 8 4 2 11 4 4 4 4 2 number of rows in the 17 tables 1 no of dates for planting/emergence and harvests 50 no of parameters 3 Kc calculation 1=dvs 2=time 3=computed from LAI (AKCTYPE) 100 185 tstart, tend for senescence (day of year, i.e. Julian Date) -100 -1000 -90000 -90000 -158490 p0, p1, p2h, p2l, p3 (mm) 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CERES: temperatures (C) (first number: flag for 1=new or 0=old Model) 0 0.0 0.0 CERES: photoperiod: Popt, Pcrit (h), omega (h(-1)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 CERES: maximum development rate (h(-1)) (RMAX) -10.0 + max depth above there is no root water uptake (mm) (RNA_MAX) -1480 + max rooting depth (mm) (ROOT_MAX) -35.0 + initial rooting depth (mm) (ROOT_INIT) 0.33 + exudation factor (EXU_FACT) 0.35 + max factor used for deathfac (DEATHFACMAX) 200 + number of seedlings per m2 (NSL) 0.004 + relative growth rate during exponential leaf area growth (ha/ha/C/d) (RGR) 0.9 + base temperature for juvenile leaf area growth (C) (TEMPBASE) 0.000825 + specific leaf area of new leaves (ha leaf/kg DM) (SLA) -1.00e-03 + change of specific leaf area per unit thermal time (ha leaf/kg DM/C/d) (RSLA) 60 + potential CO2-assimilation rate of a unit leaf area for light saturation (kg CO2/ha leaf/h) (AMX) 0.45 + initial light use efficiency ((kg CO2/ha leaf/h)/(J/m2/s)) (EFF) (is changed from ha to L2 in plants.f90) 0.6 + extinction coefficient for diffuse PAR flux (RKDF) 0.2 + scattering coefficient of leaves for PAR (SCP) 0.007 + maintenance demand rate for storage organs per unit dry matter (kg CH2O/kg DM/d) (RMAINSO) 1.41 + conversion efficiency coefficient (assimilation requirement of DM for storage organs) (kg CH2O/kg DM) (ASRQSO) 7.7112 + start temperature for plant growth (C*day) (crop 1: temp_sum from emergence till 31.Dec + tempstart for spring growth) (TEMPSTART) 0.70 + dead LAI debris factor (DEBR_FAC) 0.75 + LAI as switch from temperature to radiation-limited LAI expansion (ha/ha) (LS) 4.0 + critical LAI for leaf death due to self shading (ha/ha) (RLAICR) 0 + initial value of the ear area index (2sided) (crop 1-3,5) (EAI) 0.0 + initial value of the maturity class (crop 4) (RMATR) 0.0003 + leaf area of one seedling (m2 leaf/seedling) (SSL) 0.075 + specific root weight (m/g) (SRW) 0.0 + dead leaf area for outside the season (ha/ha) (SLAID_OFF) # emergence und harvest date(s) 2016 10 21 2017 08 02 # (Tab.1) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # Temperature sum against reduction factor of the maximal light assimilation rate 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.3 # (Tab.2) [for all crops] # Effective temperature against reduction factor of the maximal light assimilation rate 0.0 0.05 4.0 0.3 10.0 0.6 15.0 0.8 20.0 1.0 30.0 0.01 # (Tab.3) [for crop 1 2 3] # Effective temperature against reduction factor of the development rate, if DVS < 1 -10 0.0000 0 0.0000 2 0.0021 5 0.0032 10 0.0064 15 0.0167 20 0.0224 25 0.0279 30 0.0335 35 0.0391 40 0.0447 # (Tab.4) [for crop 1 2 3] # Effective temperature against reduction factor of the development rate, if DVS > 1 -10 0.0000 0 0.0000 2 0.0037 5 0.0083 10 0.0165 15 0.0157 20 0.0209 25 0.0262 30 0.0314 35 0.0367 40 0.0418 # (Tab.5) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # DVS against fraction of dry matter allocated to the shoot 0.0 0.3 0.51 0.4 0.72 0.8 1.70 0.98 2.0 1.0 # (Tab.6) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # Temperature sum against fraction of dry matter allocated to the leaves 0 0.9 0.1 0.9 0.25 0.95 0.5 0.9 0.7 0.775 0.95 0.4 2 0 # (Tab.7) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # Temperature sum against fraction of dry matter allocated to the stem 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.05 0.5 0.15 0.7 0.3 0.95 0.175 1.05 0 2 0 # (Tab.8) # [for crop 3] Temperature sum against fraction of dry matter allocated to the cob (FCOBT) # [for crop 5] fraction of dry matter allocated to the root (FRT) # (Tab.9) # [for crop 1] DVS against death rate of leaves reduction function # [for crop 3] Specific LAI as a function of development stage 0.0 0.0 0.59 0.0 0.6 0.085 0.89 0.085 0.9 0.1 1.09 0.15 1.1 0.2 2.0 0.25 # (Tab.10) # [for crop 1 and 2] Effective temperature against death rate of the leaves # [for crop 5] Temperature sum against relative death rate of leaves 0.0 0.03 10.0 0.03 15.0 0.04 30.0 0.05 # (Tab. 11) # [for all crops] # DVS or time (day of year, i.e. Julian Date) against akc 1 0.95 40 5.00 # (Tab.12) [for all crops] # Relative root depth against root density 0.0 0.4568 0.1 0.2477 0.2 0.1343 0.3 0.0728 0.4 0.0395 0.5 0.0214 0.6 0.0116 0.7 0.0063 0.8 0.0034 0.9 0.0019 1.0 0.0010 # (Tab.13) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content leaves XNCLE [kg N kg DM-1] Fei et al., 2020 0.0 0.01 1.0 0.01 1.5 0.01 2.0 0.01 # (Tab.14) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content stems XNCST [kg N kg DM-1] estimated 0.0 0.0037 1.0 0.005 1.5 0.005 2.0 0.005 # (Tab.15) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content roots XNCRT [kg N kg DM-1] Miyazawa et al., 2004 0.0 0.02 1.0 0.02 1.5 0.01 2.0 0.0025 # (Tab.16) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content storage organs XNCSO [kg N kg DM-1]0.0304979 0.0 0.00975 1.0 0.00975 1.5 0.01725 2.0 0.02175 # (Tab.17) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content crowns XNCCRN [kg N kg DM-1] 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 # plant type 12 ************************************************** 12 Barley 3 6 11 11 5 8 9 0 8 4 2 11 4 4 4 2 2 number of rows in the 17 tables 1 no of dates for planting/emergence and harvests 50 no of parameters 3 Kc calculation 1=dvs 2=time 3=computed from LAI (AKCTYPE) 100 185 tstart, tend for senescence (day of year, i.e. Julian Date) -100 -1000 -90000 -90000 -158490 p0, p1, p2h, p2l, p3 (mm) 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CERES: temperatures (C) (first number: flag for 1=new or 0=old Model) 0 0.0 0.0 CERES: photoperiod: Popt, Pcrit (h), omega (h(-1)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 CERES: maximum development rate (h(-1)) (RMAX) -10.0 + max depth above there is no root water uptake (mm) (RNA_MAX) -1480 + max rooting depth (mm) (ROOT_MAX) -35.0 + initial rooting depth (mm) (ROOT_INIT) 0.33 + exudation factor (EXU_FACT) 0.35 + max factor used for deathfac (DEATHFACMAX) 200 + number of seedlings per m2 (NSL) 0.004 + relative growth rate during exponential leaf area growth (ha/ha/C/d) (RGR) 1 + base temperature for juvenile leaf area growth (C) (TEMPBASE) 0.001911 + specific leaf area of new leaves (ha leaf/kg DM) (SLA) -1.00e-03 + change of specific leaf area per unit thermal time (ha leaf/kg DM/C/d) (RSLA) 43 + potential CO2-assimilation rate of a unit leaf area for light saturation (kg CO2/ha leaf/h) (AMX) 0.50 + initial light use efficiency ((kg CO2/ha leaf/h)/(J/m2/s)) (EFF) (is changed from ha to L2 in plants.f90) 0.60 + extinction coefficient for diffuse PAR flux (RKDF) 0.2 + scattering coefficient of leaves for PAR (SCP) 0.007 + maintenance demand rate for storage organs per unit dry matter (kg CH2O/kg DM/d) (RMAINSO) 1.41 + conversion efficiency coefficient (assimilation requirement of DM for storage organs) (kg CH2O/kg DM) (ASRQSO) 7.7112 + start temperature for plant growth (C*day) (crop 1: temp_sum from emergence till 31.Dec + tempstart for spring growth) (TEMPSTART) 0.70 + dead LAI debris factor (DEBR_FAC) 0.75 + LAI as switch from temperature to radiation-limited LAI expansion (ha/ha) (LS) 4.5 + critical LAI for leaf death due to self shading (ha/ha) (RLAICR) 0 + initial value of the ear area index (2sided) (crop 1-3,5) (EAI) 0.0 + initial value of the maturity class (crop 4) (RMATR) 0.0009 + leaf area of one seedling (m2 leaf/seedling) (SSL) 0.075 + specific root weight (m/g) (SRW) 0.0 + dead leaf area for outside the season (ha/ha) (SLAID_OFF) # emergence und harvest date(s) 2017 10 27 2018 03 23 # (Tab.1) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # Temperature sum against reduction factor of the maximal light assimilation rate 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.3 # (Tab.2) [for all crops] # Effective temperature against reduction factor of the maximal light assimilation rate 0.0 0.05 4.0 0.3 10.0 0.6 15.0 0.8 20.0 1.0 30.0 0.01 # (Tab.3) [for crop 1 2 3] # Effective temperature against reduction factor of the development rate, if DVS < 1 -10 0.0000 0 0.0000 2 0.0021 5 0.0032 10 0.0064 15 0.0167 20 0.0224 25 0.0279 30 0.0335 35 0.0391 40 0.0447 # (Tab.4) [for crop 1 2 3] # Effective temperature against reduction factor of the development rate, if DVS > 1 -10 0.0000 0 0.0000 2 0.0037 5 0.0083 10 0.0165 15 0.0157 20 0.0209 25 0.0262 30 0.0314 35 0.0367 40 0.0418 # (Tab.5) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # DVS against fraction of dry matter allocated to the shoot 0.0 0.34 0.51 0.44 0.72 0.84 1.70 0.99 2.0 1.0 # (Tab.6) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # Temperature sum against fraction of dry matter allocated to the leaves 0 0.8371 0.25 0.69762 0.51 0.52316 0.6 0.34881 0.72 0.15114 0.83 0.05808 0.95 0 2 0 # (Tab.7) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # Temperature sum against fraction of dry matter allocated to the stem 0 0.15202 0.25 0.25333 0.51 0.37994 0.6 0.42218 0.72 0.65021 0.83 0.83589 0.95 0.84436 1.21 0 2 0 # (Tab.8) # [for crop 3] Temperature sum against fraction of dry matter allocated to the cob (FCOBT) # [for crop 5] fraction of dry matter allocated to the root (FRT) # (Tab.9) # [for crop 1] DVS against death rate of leaves reduction function # [for crop 3] Specific LAI as a function of development stage 0.0 0.0 0.59 0.0 0.6 0.085 0.89 0.085 0.9 0.4 1.09 0.5 1.1 0.8 2.0 1.0 # (Tab.10) # [for crop 1 and 2] Effective temperature against death rate of the leaves # [for crop 5] Temperature sum against relative death rate of leaves 0.0 0.03 10.0 0.03 15.0 0.04 30.0 0.05 # (Tab. 11) # [for all crops] # DVS or time (day of year, i.e. Julian Date) against akc 1 0.95 40 5.00 # (Tab.12) [for all crops] # Relative root depth against root density 0.0 0.4568 0.1 0.2477 0.2 0.1343 0.3 0.0728 0.4 0.0395 0.5 0.0214 0.6 0.0116 0.7 0.0063 0.8 0.0034 0.9 0.0019 1.0 0.0010 # (Tab.13) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content leaves XNCLE [kg N kg DM-1] Fei et al., 2020 0.0 0.03 1.0 0.0325 1.5 0.0275 2.0 0.0250 # (Tab.14) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content stems XNCST [kg N kg DM-1] estimated 0.0 0.0094 1.0 0.0094 1.5 0.0069 2.0 0.0063 # (Tab.15) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content roots XNCRT [kg N kg DM-1] Miyazawa et al., 2004 0.0 0.02 1.0 0.02 1.5 0.01 2.0 0.0025 # (Tab.16) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content storage organs XNCSO [kg N kg DM-1] 0.0 0.02 2.0 0.035 # (Tab.17) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content crowns XNCCRN [kg N kg DM-1] 0.0 0.0094 2.0 0.0063 # plant type 2 ************************************************** 1 Spring Oat 4 5 11 11 14 7 8 0 8 4 2 11 4 4 4 2 2 number of rows in the 17 tables 1 no of dates for planting/emergence and harvests 50 no of parameters 3 Kc calculation 1=dvs 2=time 3=computed from LAI (AKCTYPE) 140 209 tstart, tend for senescence (day of year, i.e. Julian Date) -100 -1000 -90000 -90000 -158490 p0, p1, p2h, p2l, p3 (mm) 0 0.0 19.0 30.0 4.0 24.0 35.0 8.0 24.0 35.0 -1.3 4.9 15.7 CERES: temperatures (C) (first number: flag for 1=new or 0=old Model) 0 7.0 0.160 CERES: photoperiod: Popt, Pcrit (h), omega (h(-1)) 0.0198 0.0412 0.0381 CERES: maximum development rate (h(-1)) (RMAX) -10.0 + max depth above there is no root water uptake (mm) (RNA_MAX) -1480 + max rooting depth (mm) (ROOT_MAX) -35.0 + initial rooting depth (mm) (ROOT_INIT) 0.43 + exudation factor (EXU FACT) 0.43 + max factor used for deathfac (DEATHFACMAX) 350 + number of seedlings per m2 (NSL) 0.014 + relative growth rate during exponential leaf area growth (ha/ha/C/d)(RGR) 1 + base temperature for juvenile leaf area growth (C) (TEMPBASE) 0.0010 + specific leaf area of new leaves (ha leaf/kg DM) (SLA) -1.00e-03 + change of specific leaf area per unit thermal time (ha leaf/kg DM/C/d) (RSLA) 35 + potential CO2-assimilation rate of a unit leaf area for light saturation (kg CO2/ha leaf/h) (AMX) 0.45 + initial light use efficiency ((kg CO2/ha leaf/h)/(J/m2/s)) (EFF) 0.60 + extinction coefficient for diffuse PAR flux (RKDF) 0.2 + scattering coefficient of leaves for PAR (SCP) 0.01 + maintenance demand rate for storage organs per unit dry matter (kg CH2O/kg DM/d) (RMAINSO) 1.41 + conversion efficiency coefficient (assimilation requirement of DM for storage organs) (kg CH2O/kg DM) (ASRQSO) 111 + start temperature for plant growth (C*day) (crop 1: temp_sum from emergence till 31.Dec + tempstart for spring growth) (TEMPSTART) 0.62 + dead LAI debris factor (DEBR_FAC) 0.75 + LAI as switch from temperature to radiation-limited LAI expansion (ha/ha) (LS) 4.0 + critical LAI for leaf death due to self shading (ha/ha) (RLAICR) 0 + initial value of the ear area index (2sided) (crop 1-3,5) (EAI) 0.0 + initial value of the maturity class (crop 4) (RMATR) 0.0003 + leaf area of one seedling (m2 leaf/seedling) (SSL) 0.075 + specific root weight (m/g) (SRW) 0.0 + dead leaf area for outside the season (ha/ha) (SLAID_OFF) # emergence und harvest date(s) 2018 04 19 2018 07 27 # (Tab.1) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # DVS against reduction factor of the maximal light assimilation rate (AMDVS) 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 0.5 2.5 0.0 # (Tab.2) [for all crops] # Daily average daytime temperature against reduction factor of the maximal light assimilation rate (AMTMP) 0.0 0.05 10.0 1.0 25.0 1.0 35.0 0.1 50.0 0.1 # (Tab.3) [for crop 1 2 3] # Daily average temperature against development rate, if DVS < 1 (RATDVS) -10 0.0000 0 0.0000 2 0.0030 5 0.0073 10 0.0148 15 0.0220 20 0.0329 25 0.0410 30 0.0493 35 0.0574 40 0.0657 # (Tab.4) [for crop 1 2 3] # Daily average temperature against development rate, if DVS > 1 (RATDVS) -10 0.0000 0 0.0000 2 0.0045 5 0.0115 10 0.0228 15 0.0343 20 0.0120 25 0.0150 30 0.0180 35 0.0210 40 0.0240 # (Tab.5) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # DVS against fraction of dry matter allocated to the shoot (FSH) 0.0 0.50 0.1 0.50 0.2 0.60 0.35 0.78 0.4 0.83 0.5 0.87 0.6 0.90 0.7 0.93 0.8 0.95 0.9 0.97 1.0 0.98 1.1 0.99 1.2 1.0 2.0 1.0 # (Tab.6) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # DVS against fraction of dry matter allocated to the leaves (FLV) 0 0.46008 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.35 0.3681 0.4 0.15336 0.95 0.06138 2 0 # (Tab.7) [for crop 1 2 3 5] # DVS against fraction of dry matter allocated to the stem (FST) 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.25 0.05 0.5 0.45 0.7 0.5 0.95 0.6 1.21 0 2 0 # (Tab.8) [for crop 3] # DVS against fraction of dry matter allocated to the cob (FCOBT) # [for crop 5] fraction of dry matter allocated to the fibrous root (FRT) # (Tab.9) [for crop 1] # DVS against death rate of leaves reduction function # [for crop 3] Specific LAI as a function of development stage 0.0 0.0 0.59 0.0 0.6 0.085 0.89 0.085 0.9 0.4 1.09 0.5 1.1 1.0 2.0 1.0 # (Tab.10) [for crop 1 2] # Daily effective temperature against death rate of the leaves (RDRDV) # [for crop 5] Effective temperature dependent reduction factor of the development rate 0.0 0.03 10.0 0.03 15.0 0.04 30.0 0.09 # (Tab.11) # DVS or time (day of year, i.e. Julian Date) against actual crop factor (AKC) 1 0.95 50 5.00 # (Tab.12) # Relative root depth against root density 0.0 0.4568 0.1 0.2477 0.2 0.1343 0.3 0.0728 0.4 0.0395 0.5 0.0214 0.6 0.0116 0.7 0.0063 0.8 0.0034 0.9 0.0019 1.0 0.0010 # (Tab.13) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content leaves XNCLE [kg N kg DM-1] Fei et al., 2020 0.0 0.01 1.0 0.0225 1.5 0.022 2.0 0.020 # (Tab.14) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content stems XNCST [kg N kg DM-1] estimated 0.0 0.01 1.0 0.0094 1.5 0.0069 2.0 0.0063 # (Tab.15) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content roots XNCRT [kg N kg DM-1] Miyazawa et al., 2004 0.0 0.02 1.0 0.02 1.5 0.01 2.0 0.0025 # (Tab.16) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content storage organs XNCSO [kg N kg DM-1] 0.0 0.0018 2.0 0.08 # (Tab.17) [for all crops if N module switched on] # DVS against N content crowns XNCCRN [kg N kg DM-1] 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0